With coverage of Tesla increasingly dominated by the personality and peccadilloes of CEO Elon Musk, a question that has long lurked around the edges of discourse on the company is becoming harder to ignore: What would happen if Musk was no longer…
Jeep Wrangler fans support broad community of vendors
Jeep’s Wrangler is among the most accessorized vehicles in production today, according to the Specialty Equipment Market Association, with an estimated $6 billion in annual accessory sales.
Opel GT X Experimental concept previews 'pure and bold' design
General Motors may have to reconsider the way it measures dealer sales effectiveness in America’s largest car market after a recent ruling that the company’s system violates California law.
KAR Auction Services grows online business through TradeRev
KAR is pouring money into its TradeRev business with a vision of growing the online appraisal and auction tool’s annual volume from the thousands to the millions.