Restore Your Outdoor Floor with Grout Shield Color Sealer

Restore Your Outdoor Floor with Grout Shield Color Sealer

Outdoor flooring goes through a lot! Rain, sun, snow, sleet, dirt, mud, wind, debris – you name it! Your outdoor flooring battles against a lot of elements, which means it can get dirty and gross-looking quick.

For outdoor stucco flooring, your floor can be easily discolored due to the elements. Despite how much you clean, you may never get the color back to what it was. Or, maybe you want to change the color all together. What can you do? Believe it or not, Grout Shield’s color sealer can help restore the color of your outdoor stucco floor.

The color sealer is a penetrating sealer designed to revitalize and restore the desired color to your grout, but it also works to restore color on stucco flooring.


Grout Shield’s color sealer is a colorant and sealer all in one, so you’re sealing your outdoor floor to help protect it from the elements. Once the color sealer has been applied it will provide superior durability to protect your surface.


The color sealer is thick and strong – all you have to do is roll it on with a paint roller. It can even make cracks disappear on the floor by hiding them. You can apply more than one coat, if needed. It is super easy to apply.


Check our video below to learn how to recolor your outdoor flooring with Grout Shield’s color sealer.

Our color sealers come in 8 ounces (covers 250 square feet), 16 ounces (covers 500 square feet), and one gallon (covers 4,000 to 6,000 square feet). We also offer a 2-ounce sample size that covers up to 10 square feet.

For more information on these grout sealers or to purchase Grout Shield products, click our grout sealers page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.

The post Restore Your Outdoor Floor with Grout Shield Color Sealer appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.

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