The IIHS says consumers want safeguards at the forefront for vehicles with automated technology such as lane centering, automated lane changing and driver monitoring.
Denny’s in Orlando shut down last week after hair found in pancake batter
A Denny’s in Orlando was the only restaurant to receive emergency orders to shut down in the week of June 19-25, according to data from the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
As alternative to Russia, Northrop Grumman Cygnus spacecraft boosts space station
The International Space Station is a partnership that relies heavily on the Russians to keep it in the proper orbit, but Northrop Grumman just completed a test fire of its cargo spacecraft Cygnus that could offer an alternative.
BMW, VW backed Northvolt moves forward with $12B battery IPO plan
A listing of Northvolt during the next two years is a “reasonable” expectation, the supplier says, although the company, which has a value of about $12 billion, has “no need from a funding perspective,” it added.