Space Coast bases named ‘preferred’ location for Space Force training HQ
The Space Coast lost out on getting the Department of Defense’s U.S. Space Command headquarters last year, but its two military installations have been named the preferred location for a smaller entity, the Space Force’s training headquarters known as STARCOM, according to an announcement from U.S. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall.
Patrick Space Force Base and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, both former Air Force facilities, were named the presumptive home for STARCOM, which stands for Space Training and Readiness Command. It’s one of three Space Force field command units, similar to an Air Force air command.
STARCOM is “responsible for the deliberate development, education and training of space professionals in addition to the development of space warfighting doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures, and the operational test and evaluation of Space Force systems,” according to an Air Force press release.
Under each field command are several smaller groups known as deltas, similar to Air Force wings. One of STARCOM’s five deltas — Space Delta 10: Doctrine and Wargaming — is also tapped to make its way to Brevard County. Patrick SFB was named the “sole candidate location being considered to host this mission because of its proximity to a Department of Defense modeling and simulation capability with resident space.”