Travel Troubleshooter: Fishy experience at Istanbul bar ends up in a $7,853 charge
DEAR TRAVEL TROUBLESHOOTER: While I was on vacation in Istanbul last year, I fell victim to a scam by some local thugs. They ran a “club” where they persuaded single male tourists to come in. Then, they coerced them into paying thousands of dollars for bogus drinks (“Champagne” that was cider and water, for example). They made it impossible to leave without the threat of violence.

Once I was inside, it was clear that the locals I had come with were working with the “club” to lure tourists in and bilk them of their money. I played dumb, realizing I had no choice but to stay. There was one exit down a flight of stairs and a bouncer who made sure no one was leaving until they got their money. Some charges they made me sign for; others they continued to charge to my card now that they had it.
They charged me on two credit cards: one Wells Fargo card and one Chase card. I eventually was able to leave and contacted both credit card companies the next day. I also filed a police report, which I provided to Wells and Chase. The police were aware of this fraudulent establishment and showed me mug shots of the owner, who I recognized. Immediately after I filed my police report, another tourist came in complaining of the same club with the same problem — only he had tried to leave. They threw him down the stairs.