Letters to the editor: Maxwell shines light on right-wingers | Gun-control laws | Groveland’s light pollution
Maxwell calls it like he sees it
In Scott Maxwell’s July 9 column (“Defamed: When online trolling has real-world repercussions”), he called out just the edge of the right-wing attack machine. It went full force against a teenager who went to Winter Park High School.
Journalists are so much better protected, both by their newspapers and milquetoast policies that have them acting like shrinking violets. They are close to where the play happens. We need them to call ’em like they see ’em. Scott Maxwell did.
Rumors, innuendo, simple fabrications. That teenager struck a nerve. That teenager was hounded because of a question.
It’s more than the thumb on the scale making a false equivalence of “both sides.” They seek to bribe all umpires, so to speak, but if that happens, do they think they still would want to watch ballgames or live in a distorted country?
There are enough facts in front of you. It reminds me of whispering at lunch tables in school. Grow up. Read the newspaper and bulk up so your politicians won’t have such thin skin and so you can maybe learn to enjoy some bit of real life.