With Orange County commissioners poised to cut Visit Orlando’s $100-million-plus budget, State Sen. Linda Stewart has proposed legislation to make that harder to do.
“There is no reason to decrease Visit Orlando’s funding,” the Orlando Democrat said. “I don’t know why they’re cutting it.”
Her newly-introduced bill, SB 1594, would require at least a two-thirds majority vote of a county’s governing board to reduce funding for a destination-marketing organization if the agency gets less than 40% of tourist-tax revenue. That language targets the situation involving Visit Orlando, a marketing organization which gets 30% of every tourist-tax dollar collected in Orange County, totaling about $107.7 million in 2023, according to Stewart.
If Stewart’s legislation passed, it would take at least five members of the seven-member county commission to cut Visit Orlando’s budget. That’s a high hurdle, provoking the ire of some local elected officials.
“We ask Tallahassee to stay out of local government because we know what’s best for our community,” Commissioner Mayra Uribe said. read more