You can now access your credit report once a week for free, rather than just once a year
By Dave Lieber, The Dallas Morning News (TNS)
If you’re someone who manages the family’s finances, worries about identity theft and values maintaining a good credit score, The Watchdog has the latest updates for you.
Specifically, let’s dive into what credit reports and scores really mean, how you can access them and why staying on top of them is so important.
I recently tuned in to a town hall on consumerism sponsored by the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Much of it was old hat, but my ears perked when I heard one speaker casually mention that you could get a free copy of your credit report once a week.
Bam! It used to be you get a free copy of your credit reports every 12 months.
How did this happen? The rules were temporarily suspended during the pandemic. Afterward, they were kept in place.
It’s a little confusing because the government-sponsored website — — is still keeping its name. It should be, but the feds have spent a lot of time and money promoting the website.