Ditch Your Household Cleaners and Use Grout Shield

Ditch Your Household Cleaners and Use Grout Shield

Whether you’re a public establishment or a homeowner, most household cleaners or name brand products cannot properly clean your grout. In fact, many of them can hurt your grout.

Grout gets dirty easily, especially if it isn’t sealed. Grout is porous, and it easily absorbs anything that touches it. If you clean the grout with regular cleaners, your grout may never look cleaner, despite scrubbing and mopping over and over.

When it comes to cleaning grout, the chemicals in a grout or cleaning product matter. Grout Shield cleaners have a neutral-pH level that is safe on grout and tile. Grout Shield cleaners help grout lines look renewed and clean. The formula is a non-combustible, fast-aching concentrate.

Below, we’ve listed common ingredients and chemicals that are found in most common cleaners that can hurt your grout and tile.

Bleach – Believe it or not, bleach doesn’t clean anything. There is no cleaning agent in bleach. Many bleaches contain sodium hypochlorite, which can disintegrate concrete found in most grout. Your surface and room may smell clean, but the dirt and germs are still there.

Ammonia – Ammonia can remove finish off grout and tile.

Vinegar and Acidic Cleaners – The acid in vinegar will get rid of the finish and shine on your grout and tile. Vinegar and acid can discolor grout, as well.

Grout Shield has a Grout Shield Maintenance Cleaner and a Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner both are great at lifting stains and dirt from the pores in the grout. They clean your grout safely.

Use Grout Shield Cleaner 

Don’t waste money or time cleaning with products that are ultimately destroying grout, and not even cleaning it, especially if you’re cleaning a large surface or building.

Grout Shield sells cleaners in a variety of sizes to accommodate different sizes of rooms. Grout Shield’s cleaners are easy to use and affordable!

To learn more about grout cleaner, click our grout cleaner page or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716 with any questions.


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