The Savings Game: Roth accounts and other retirement questions answered

The Savings Game: Roth accounts and other retirement questions answered

Q. I have Roth accounts established many years ago and have also done several Roth conversions. Is there any advantage in maintaining separate accounts? I want to avoid any federal taxes or early withdrawal penalties.

A. There is no advantage in having separate accounts. The IRS will review the total history of your Roth contributions and conversions. So, you will not be penalized because you recently completed a Roth conversion.

Q. My wife had an IRA account, but it has been closed out. She is no longer working. Can she establish a new account so I can contribute to it from my earned income?

A. She can establish a new account, and you can contribute.

Q. I understand I can obtain a lump sum distribution from Social Security when I reach age 70, when I plan to retire. Should I do that?

A. You can receive up to six months as a lump sum distribution. However, your monthly income will be decreased in proportion to the distribution you receive. So, if you are healthy, you should consider whether the distribution is more important than the monthly income you will not receive for the rest of your life.

Q. My ex recently died. We were married for more than 10 years. I am single, and expect to file for my Social Security benefit at 70. I have already reached my full retirement age, and have sufficient assets to last until 70. My benefit at 70 will exceed the survivor benefit. What are the advantages and disadvantages of filing for a survivor benefit?

A. There is no disadvantage in filing for a survivor benefit. Filing for a survivor benefit is independent from the benefit you are entitled to based on your work record. Since you have reached your full retirement age, you are entitled to 100% of the survivor benefit. Naturally, the advantage of filing for a survivor benefit is the income you will receive.

Q. I am already taking required minimum distributions from my IRA. I work part time and have earnings from work. I would like to make charitable distributions (QCDs) to minimize my federal taxes. However, I would like to continue making contributions to my traditional IRA. However, I have been told by my tax preparer that if I make contributions to my traditional IRA, then I would lose the tax advantage of any charitable contributions up to the amount of my IRA contributions. Is that correct?

A. Your tax preparer is correct. I reviewed this issue with representatives of IRA expert Ed Slott’s company. They confirmed that contributing to a traditional IRA will eliminate the tax advantage of using the QCD option. However, if you establish a Roth account and make contributions to it, there will not be any impact on your charitable contribution.

Q. I have worked as a teacher and am entitled to a pension for work done that is not associated with Social Security. I have not filed for my pension yet. I understand that if I receive a pension from work not associated with Social Security, then I may not be entitled to a survivor benefit, or the survivor benefit could be severely reduced. My husband died recently, and I am entitled to a survivor benefit. If I am not receiving my pension yet, will my survivor benefit be reduced or eliminated?

A. It is true that your survivor benefit would be reduced by two-thirds of your pension earned outside Social Security. However, if you are not receiving the pension now, you will receive the full survivor benefit until you start receiving your pension.

Elliot Raphaelson welcomes your questions and comments at


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