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What Does Grout Shield’s Grout Color Sealer Do?

What Does Grout Shield’s Grout Color Sealer Do?

Grout Shield makes and sells a grout color sealer. It not only seals your grout and protect it, it also comes in seemingly endless color options for you to match your current grout or completely transform your home.

The grout color sealer is a multi-purpose, easy to apply, premium quality grout sealer with a consistency of paint that can be made to match any grout or house paint color on the market – we can match any color in the world.

Here are some facts about our color sealer:

  • It colors and seals grout with ease, offering incredible results in any kitchen or bath.
  • It works on walls, floors, or any other tiled surface, giving old tiling a clean new appearance, saving you money and increasing the value of your home.
  • If the color of your grout isn’t exactly what you hoped for, Grout Shield can adjust it to ensure that you get that perfect look.
  • It is a top-quality product that produce professional results, without having to pay a professional to apply them.
  • It is obtainable in most major manufacturers’ colors, just tell us your color shade and we’ll find you a match!
  • Grout Shield color sealer can be added to sanded or unsanded grout to fix cracks and missing grout
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    How Can You Prevent Grout from Staining?

    How Can You Prevent Grout from Staining?

    Grout is prone to stains. Red wine. Mud. Ketchup. Blood. Urine. Fruit juice.  These items are just a few of the many different products that can easily stain grout. Why is grout so easy to get stains? Well, grout is porous, so it will absorb anything that touches it. UNLESS…you seal it!

    To prevent stains in grout lines, you need to seal your grout. Whether your trying to protect grout in a residential home, a restaurant, hotel, condo, apartment, park or any other place with grout, you need to seal grout lines if you want your grout to be protected.

    Grout Shield offers both clear grout sealer and color grout sealer. Both sealers are safe for your grout and are not expensive. It is much cheaper to purchase a grout sealer than to re-grout an entire room.

    You can protect any grout you need to with the right grout sealer.  Grout sealer protects your grout   before it can ever get dirty. Your home or business will look a lot brighter, cleaner, and newer if your grout is clean.

    You want to seal your grout immediately. Grout Shield offers color grout sealer and clear grout sealer. The color sealer is great if you want to change the color of your grout lines, or if your grout is too badly stained and you need to cover up the discoloration. If you choose a different color grout than the old color, you can completely change the look of your room. Clear grout sealer is a great choice if your grout is clean and you don’t want to change the color of your grout. read more

    How to Choose a Grout Color

    How to Choose a Grout Color

    If your home needs a refresh, you might not have to do extensive renovations or projects to get it looking different or “new.” Believe it or not a change to the color of the grout can completely transform the look of a room and your home, whether it’s in the kitchen, bathroom, pool, or other another room or space in your home.

    Grout has many purposes; it locks titles together, it fills in spaces between stone and tiles, it prevents edges of tiles from chipping and cracking. However, it also adds to the design of a room. The color of a grout can change the whole look and feel of the room.

    The color should be selected with a purpose in mind; it should not be an afterthought. People have many options with the color – they can match the color to the tile, they can contrast it with the tile, or go with a neutral color. Each one of these choices can create a different look for a room.

    By matching the color to the tile, the grout line doesn’t show much giving the walls or floor a more seamless, fluid look; the room will look very sleek. If you want your tile to stand out, contrast the grout color with the tile. With this option, the grout frames and highlights the tile. Many people choose a neutral color (gray, beige, tan); this is considered a “safe” choice for a color; neutral is not bold and the color matches different styles and colors of tile and everything else in the room. read more

    How You Can Make Money as an Affiliate

    How You Can Make Money as an Affiliate

    There are many ways to make money, but we can suggest one way that’s so easy, you can do it from the comfort of your home! As a Grout Shield Affiliate, you can make money by promoting Grout Shield products. For every order you help get purchased, you will receive 10% commission per order (excluding shipping).

    It’s FREE to join the Grout Shield Affiliate Program. It’s easy to start and join. Give us basic information about you and your company, so we can see if you’re the right fit for us! This is a great opportunity for you, especially if you enjoy promoting and talking about cleaning products, home improvement ideas, and topics in that world.

    Once you are accepted into the affiliate program, we will train you with all the proper information to make sure you have all the tools you need to be successful.

    As an affiliate, you will be provided with a unique coupon tracking code that is tied to your account. You can share this with as many individuals as you like including placing it on your website, social media, blog, email list, and more.  Your promotion will instruct the user to use this coupon code at check out.  If someone purchase a Grout Shield product with your code, you’ll earn a commission for that sale. read more

    How to Clean A Blood Stain Out of Grout

    How to Clean A Blood Stain Out of Grout

    Accidents happen. We cut ourselves. We fall. We scrape a knee. When we bleed, we often run to the kitchen or bathroom and throughout the house to clean up our wound and wrap it up, which means out blood can easily drip onto the floor and seep into grout lines. Blood isn’t so hard to wipe off tiles, but it can be hard to clean off grout because it absorbs into the grout lines.

    Since grout is porous and usually light-colored, it will easily absorb the dark color of blood and become discolored. With the right grout cleaning and sealing products, you can clean up the blood and it will look like the blood was never there. Remember, you want to clean up spills immediately, so the stain is easier to clean up.

    Our team at Grout Shield can help you get rid of blood stains in grout for good. You’ll never know it was there! Blood on your grout can make your home or grout look old and dirty, even if you clean it regularly.

    Besides getting rid of the discoloration, Grout Shield products also rid the grout of bacteria and other harmful germs that get absorbed into the grout lines over time. You never know what diseases or germs are hiding in blood. read more