How to Clean Tomato Sauce from Grout Above and Around Stove
Who doesn’t love a pasta dinner? Although delicious, the meal can be very messy. Pasta sauce easily splashes, whether you’re eating it, cooking it, stirring it, or serving it. Don’t even think about wearing white while making a pasta dinner! Now, months, and even years, of cooking pasta sauces, and other sauces have likely splattered sauces onto your backsplashes and countertops. Sauce can be easy to wipe off tiles, but the spots can easily absorb into the grout lines and stain your grout.
Tomato-based stains are some of the most common and hardest to clean. Being red, pasta sauce shows up easily on grout lines that are light colored. Since it is porous, grout will absorb all sauce that lands on it. With the right grout cleaning and sealing products, you can clean up the sauce and it will look like the splatters never happened. Remember, you want to clean sauce stains immediately, so the stain is easier to clean up.
Our team at Grout Shield can help you get rid of pasta sauce stains for good. You’ll never know it was there! Stains around your stove from sauce can make your kitchen look really old and dirty, even if you clean it regularly.