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Tag: how to clean grout

Some Things to Know About Your Grout

Some Things to Know About Your Grout

How much do you know about grout? Chances are…probably not a lot, right? That’s fine! You’ve come to the right place. We know grout! We know how to clean it and protect it! We wanted to share some facts and information about grout with you, so you know what kind of grout to use and how to care for it.

If you’re tiling a room or area, you don’t just think about tile, you need to think about the grout. There’s different kinds of grout to consider.

  • Epoxy grout is the most durable and the most resistant to stain and water damage. If your grout will be near a lot of water and/or food, epoxy grout is a great choice. Epoxy grout can be tricky to apply, so it’s best to hire a professional. Epoxy grout is the most expensive grout, but it also doesn’t need a sealer.
  • Sanded and non-sanded grouts are the most used and popular grouts.
  • Sanded grout is a cement-based grout with sand added, which makes it more resistant to cracking and shrinking. Sanded grout sets slower than epoxy.
  • Non-sanded grout is cement based and used for smaller grout joints and good to use on vertical walls.
  • You should always seal your grout, unless you have epoxy grout. Sealing grout protects it from absorbing many different things like dirt, mold, and mildew.
  • With grout sealers, you can change the color of your grout, if you so choose.
  • Keep in mind that dark grout can hide stains but fade easier and lighter grout colors show stains and are harder to keep clean.
  • You can either march the grout to the tile (if you want the tile to stand out), contrast the grout and tile (for a bold look), or choose a neutral grout color for a safer, subtle look.
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    Moving into a New House with Dirty Grout

    Moving into a New House with Dirty Grout

    Found a new place to live? Congratulations! Whether you’re moving into an apartment, house, or condo, starting fresh in a new place is exciting; however, a new place for you was an old place for someone else (if it wasn’t newly built, of course). When a home was owned by a previous owner, there’s a good chance their cleaning may not have been up to par with your own standards. Or, the homeowners or renters just didn’t have the proper cleaning supplies to get the job done right.

    If you’re moving into a beautiful space, but the tile and grout lines look dirty or old, there’s a good chance they were never properly cleaned. It’s very easy for grout and tile to get dirty fast. Tile is exposed to so many elements while grout absorbs everything in sight. Tile and grout in kitchens, bathrooms, lobbies, foyers, mudrooms, and entryways get dirty quick. Moving is exciting but can also be stressful.

    To reduce your stress, you want to move into a fresh and clean home! With the proper grout and tile cleaner, you can get your new rooms sparkling again and make your new home look even newer! read more

    Kick off Your Spring Cleaning with Grout and Tile Care

    Kick off Your Spring Cleaning with Grout and Tile Care

    It’s almost spring! You know what that means? It’s spring cleaning time! Time to donate unused clothing, throw away clutter, and clean your tile and grout! After a cold, wet, snowy winter, your floors have taken a beating. Salt, water, snow, dirt, sand, mud, and more have been trekked through your house – all these dirty substances can make your tile and grout look dull and grimy.

    Your grout has likely absorbed all the dirt that landed on it, which means your grout lines are likely discolored. Grout can be difficult to clean when you don’t have the appropriate grout cleaner. Bleach, vinegars, and other chemicals will have you scrubbing the grout lines for hours with little to no improvement. In fact, these harsh chemicals can break the grout lines.

    This spring-cleaning season, you need a grout cleaner that cleans deep to remove dirt and debris. Grout Shield’s grout cleaners thoroughly clean grout. The Grout Shield Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner is perfect after winter time as it works to clean and lift deep stains out of the grout’s pores. To use, you mix 1 ounce of the cleaner with 8 ounces of warm water. Then, you brush the cleaner into the grout. Leave the mixture to sit into the grout lines for a few minutes. Then, wipe away the cleaner with a sponge. Just like that, your grout lines will be clean! read more

    The Importance of Clean Grout for a Business

    The Importance of Clean Grout for a Business

    Dirty grout isn’t just a problem for homeowners… it’s also a problem for business owners. Parks, restaurants, retail stores, grocery stores, banks, and more, all have grout. Businesses and public areas are at a higher risk of getting dirtier grout because of the foot traffic. These places have dirty shoes, spills, wheels, and much more walking and gliding over the grout and tile. Water, snow, food, dirt – you name it, it can fall on the floor!

    Being a public place, it’s even more essential to keep grout and tile clean. Grout is porous and be a breeding ground for bacteria and other pathogens. These public places need to pass health inspections in order to stay open. If a health inspector sees a dirty floor with dark-stained grout, he or she will assume the floor is filthy and loaded with germs that could make people sick. Businesses owners need to be concerned about the cleanliness of their grout and tiles if they want to keep their business open.

    Believe it or not, the public doesn’t just care about the product or service…they care about the setting. If a restaurant or store is dirty, a person may think twice about making a purchase in there. It is critical to keep your business clean in order to keep customers. read more

    Love Your Floors by Cleaning Your Grout

    Love Your Floors by Cleaning Your Grout

    Forget the flowers and chocolate this Valentine’s day! This year, gift yourself (or a loved one) a grout cleaner – that’s right! Show your floors some love by properly cleaning it with a quality grout cleaner.

    A real, safe grout cleaner is the gift that keeps on giving as your grout will look like new! Clean grout can transform the entire look of your room! A dirty floor is unattractive and is stressful – messy homes can give you an uneasy feeling and anxiety. With the right grout product, your floors can easily look great all year for less money and time. By using the right grout cleaner, as opposed to just any household cleaner, you don’t have to spend endless hours cleaning – grout cleaner is easy to use and doesn’t require painful scrubbing, scrubbing, and more scrubbing.

    Sure, it’s not the traditional Valentine’s gift, but it’s a great addition for your home, and will help you keep your home fresh and clean.

    Here are some benefits of using a grout cleaner:

    • Your grout will be restored to its original color.
    • You will rid the grout of bacteria, germs, viruses, and other pathogens that have been absorbed.
    • Your grout won’t be at risk of deteriorating.
    • Your grout won’t crack or break.

    Ready to gift the gift of clean floors? A clean home is a happy home. Grout Shield has two cleaners that will make your grout look brand new. read more