How to Care for Your Grout and Tile This Winter
Winter is a harsh season as many states in the United Stated deal with frigid temperatures, ice, and snow. To protect ourselves from the elements, we wear heavy boots and clothing. Unfortunately, we, or guests in our homes, can drag a lot of unwanted things into our home like salt, mud, water, and snow. The salt, dirt, and water can easily seep into our grout lines and under our tiles, which can compromise or break them. The excess moisture can cause tile and grout to move, crack, or become dirty. And that’s just your inside tile! Outdoor tile and grout have to face the elements consistently.
It’s in your best interest to protect your grout and tile (inside and out) so you don’t have to spend a lot of money to replace a floor, path, or patio once the winter is over. The best way you can protect your grout lines and tile is to take care of them throughout the year. With the proper grout cleaner and sealer, your grout and tile will have a protected shield on them to keep liquids and other dirt from seeping through. A grout and tile sealer can help protect from excess moisture that causes cracks, breaks, and movement.